Diocese of Chichester Education

About the RIGHT Programme

This version of The RIGHT Programme has been developed specially by the Education Department of the Diocese of Chichester.

The references within it relate specifically to our structures and strategies. The content at the various links within the interactive web version (insert link to interactive page) will be updated on a regular basis, so that everything is always up to date (allowing for the fact that the updates themselves take some time to create!).

The overall aim is to offer an underpinning resource for chairs of governors in our schools.

That’s a big aim, but the RIGHT Programme is a top priority for us, and we’ll be unpacking it at training events across the Diocese in the months to come.

Contact us

To discuss The RIGHT Programme, find out more or ask us a question, please contact the Education Department by phone on 01273 425687or email us at schoolgovernors@chichester.anglican.org