
Welcome to Church School Governance in the Diocese of Chichester
As a Diocese we very much appreciate the significant role and huge contribution that all Church School Governors make to our Church of England Schools.
Governors are there to ensure that all pupils receive a high standard of education and high-level of support for their well-being, thus enabling every individual child and young person to reach their full potential in life.
Foundation governors make a particular contribution to the effectiveness of our schools through maintaining and developing the Christian distinctiveness of the school, building strong links with the local Church and parish and offering support and appropriate challenge to school leaders.
As an Education Team we are here to support you and offer training and advice covering a wide range of aspects of governance and leadership in Church schools.
Please do get in touch: schoolgovernors@chichester.anglican.org
Michelle Perry Governance Support Administrator: michelle.perry@chichester.anglican.org
Governing Body Information Request Form in WORD format found here
Foundation Governor Appointments and Reappointments
We are now using a fully electronic, online system for foundation governor appointments and reappointments. Please contact Michelle Perry with the full name and contact email address of the nominee who needs the form to complete.
Useful links
Here are the links to our partner Local Authority governor pages:
Brighton & Hove School Governors Information
West Sussex School Governors Information
East Sussex School Governors Information
Useful Academies Guidance can be found on our Academies page
The Governance podcast can be found at governancepodcast.buzzsprout.com or via your usual podcast provider, and has new episodes added regularly to stimulate your thinking, learning and practice as a governor of a Church School