Your website is your school’s window to the world. Firstly, please ensure it is compliant, and then use the school’s website to celebrate your vision and impact of this. The essence of your school and the high quality of learning achieved should shine through. As well as prospective parents there will be numerous other visitors, who may include HMI and newspaper reporters. This is such a wonderful opportunity to share the wonderful work that happens on a daily basis with those beyond your school boundary line and to build the school’s positive reputation.
DfE guidance to schools website
Can your school provide evidence of compliance with the Equality Act 2010?
Ofsted have been asking our schools for evidence to demonstrate their compliance with the Equality Duty within the school. For this reason we attach the link to the Quick Start Guide to the Equality Act 2010. There are further details and documents under Guidance for Public Bodies on the Equalities' Act Home Office page .