Good Estate Management for Schools
Good Estate Management for Schools
Good Estate Management For Schools (GEMS)
DfE Compliance Tracker for Buildings
Other Tools and Checklists
Fundamentals of Good Estate Management
Asbestos Management in Schools
Condition Data Collection 2
The DfE are now embarking upon Condition Data Collection 2 (CDC2) and will be using consultants to undertake property data collection visits to all schools in England during the next 5 years.
Condition Data Collection 2 Information (CDC2)
List of schools to be visited in tranches 1 and 2
GOV.UK Buying for schools
Resources for buying goods and services, and finding DfE-recommended suppliers.
Useful information
Check out the information on GOV.UK Buying for schools – Find a Framework tool which has a number of DfE approved frameworks that deliver a compliant route to market, easy to access and value for money on a wide range of goods and services. GOV.UK Buying for schools provides access to buying guidance, a range of frameworks and support services; including the GOV.UK SBP Network Directory to help with your buying needs. Search GOV.UK Buying for schools
Net Zero Carbon by 2030
Last year the Church of England’s General Synod set new targets for all parts of the church to work to become carbon ‘net zero’ by 2030. A 2012/13 energy audit of church buildings showed that over 50% of carbon emissions are from our schools. We know that many schools have since installed solar panels or LED lighting, taken out SALIX loans or introduced their own recycling or eco school initiatives. We would love to know more about what you and your pupils are doing to reduce carbon emissions and tackle climate change. We will include details of a survey in this e-newsletter in the summer term, so that we can hear more from you
SALIX Finance
Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme 2
The £75m Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme 2 (PSDS2) will be launched on 7th April for public sector bodies, including all maintained schools to support energy efficient heating and decarbonisation projects. More details can be found here This phase follows on from the oversubscribed £1bn fund which closed to applications in January. Please do let us know if you apply.