Training and Resources

The purpose of the Chichester Diocesan Board of Education is to support the work of all those involved in education within the Diocese of Chichester - developing and strengthening its Church Schools and Academies, to serve their communities in the name of Christ, equipping them to strive for excellence in all things, as they demonstrate an authentic experience of Christian community.
With the steady decline in low cost, high value support for schools, we, in the Diocese of Chichester, are pleased to be able to offer visits, reviews, mentoring, coaching and CPD opportunities across the diocese in the year 2024/25. The Diocese offers a variety of training courses and inset days. Training is delivered both face to face and virtually. Courses are timed, where possible, to cause the least disruption to the school day or to the work day for Governors.
Schools that subscribe to the Partnership Agreement receive fully funded or reduced cost places on training courses for school leaders, teaching staff and governors and preferential rates for annual conferences.
Upcoming events are highlighted in our Education monthly E-News which are sent out to every Headteacher, Chair and Clerk to governors (to forward to all governors) and ex-officio governors during the first working week of every month. Please ensure you do get these emails as they play a vital part of our communication strategy, so please do check they do not head to spam/junk mail.
On the Parish/Schools Page you will find diocesan and external resources and links for churches working with schools.
On the Useful Links Page you will find flyers and various information on training and resources from external parties.