SIAMS Inspections
SIAMS 2024-2025 Essential Information
The list of schools likely to be inspected has been published on the Church of England website and can be found here: Schools Likely To Be Inspected 2024-25
From September 2023 a new SIAMS framework comes into effect. The new framework, along with additional guidance documents, can be found on the SIAMS inspection page of the CEEO website. Schools who are likely to have a SIAMS inspection during 2024-2025 should ensure that they are familiar with the new framework. We recommend that all schools who are likely to inspected during 2024-2025 attend Diocesan training. Training courses and dates can be found on the training page of this website CLICK HERE.
The national SIAMS team have updated their SIAMS SEF and Summary SEF templates. These can be found on the SIAMS inspection page of the CEEO website. Schools are under no obligation to use these templates, but we recommend that all schools do complete a Summary SEF prior to inspection. All the updated Church of England SIAMS documents are available via the Church of England website.
Notification of Inspection
Schools will be given 5 working days’ notice (1 week) of an inspection and will be contacted by the CEEO SIAMS Officer who will inform them about the date of the inspection and the name of the inspector.The inspector will call the school later the same day to talk about the arrangements for the inspection.
Self-Evaluation Summary
There is no statutory obligation to produce a self-evaluation document for SIAMS. However, both the CEEO and DOC education team recommend schools produce a summary of their self-evaluation to share with the inspector. The summary should be no longer than two sides of A4 and should provide the inspector with a headlines of the school’s vision, and its impact.
All schools due for inspection in 2025-2026 should contact their School Effectiveness Officer to discuss their self-evaluation and their preparation for inspection.
Adjustment and Deferral
If a school wishes to request an adjustment or deferral they should refer to the CEEO ‘SIAMS Inspection Deferral Policy’ before contacting the CEEO. Any school seeking a deferral or adjustment should copy Rosemary Black into the email request made to the CEEO SIAMS Officer.
Complaints and Appeals
If a school wishes to make an official appeal or complaint about the inspection they should refer to the CEEO SIAMS Appeals and Complaints Policy. Any school proposing to make an official appeal or complaint should inform Rosemary Black.
All CEEO and DOC SIAMS documents can be downloaded from the Key Documents box on this page. For additional information about church school effectiveness and related documents please visit the Christian Distinctiveness page of this website.
If you require further support about church school effectiveness/SIAMS please contact: Rosemary Black, SIAMS Manager.