
'Life in all its fullness'
(John 10:10 NLT)
How essential it is to have a strong positive vision! Inspirational leaderships establish a motivational vision that is underpinned by distinctly Christian values which bring hope.
The Diocese of Chichester is committed to working with our family of schools to establish and develop strong leadership at all levels so that learning, working and volunteering in our schools is a joy!
Outstanding exciting schools – for everyone!
We wish to build capacity in all our schools to help them to excel and to be outstanding. To enable this we will support and sustain strong effective school leaders to enable schools to flourish.
Some of the ways in which the Diocese supports school leadership:
- Visiting and knowing our schools to build trust with school leaders, discussing key priorities and developing strategic school improvement plans.
- Provide both formal planned task-based meetings and informal update pastoral style visits.
- Identify strong teachers and leaders. Celebrate and signpost to exciting exemplary practice
- Support school leaders when managing under performance and appraisal processes.
- Pair up support between schools and consultants, understanding of the school’s needs. There is an acknowledgement that all have strengths and areas to develop which change over time (rather than promoting a ‘have and have-not’ system!)
- Support and sustain strong leaders to keep them in position and enable them to be as effective as possible.
- Support and advise governors and leaders to appoint appropriate new headteachers and deputy heads.
- Lead aspiring heads to prepare them well for their own future professional journey.
- Intensive bespoke support available for new heads, both individually and in small groups where appropriate
- Support schools for Ofsted Inspections: in preparation before, during and after! Work with all levels of leadership, including governors and staff.
- Work alongside leaders in schools with Ofsted judgements of ‘Special Measures’ or ‘Requires Improvement’ to rapidly accelerate school improvement.