Diocese of Chichester vacancies
The Diocese of Chichester has 155 schools across Sussex working in partnership with our 360 parishes. Our vision for Education is to be “Deeply Christian, serving the common good.” Based at Church House in Hove, we seek to live out our vision to “Know, love and follow Jesus”.
School Effectiveness Officer
We wish to appoint two experienced senior leaders to help us deliver educational excellence and effectiveness across the 155 Church of England schools and academies that belong to the household of faith in the Diocese of Chichester.
As a result of the retirement of two members of the Education team we have a full time and a part time role (0.8) available from September. We are seeking candidates who can support the development of school improvement and Christian distinctiveness provision across our Church of England schools and academies.
Job Description & Person Specification
Please apply via Pathways by midnight on Monday 21st April 2025.
Interviews will be held at Church House, Hove on Tuesday 29th April 2025.
For an information conversation about the role please contact the Deputy Director of Education, Ruth Cumming (ruth.cumming@chichester.anglican.org).
Please list on your application whether you are interested in the full time or part time role.
Headteacher Vacancies
Other Vacancies
Chair -Diocese of Chichester Academy Trust
DCAT was founded in 2015 initially to cater for the needs of Church of England schools in the Diocese of Chichester. DCAT has seen planned and successful growth. Today, nearly 9000 children are taught and supported by 1200 staff in 27 DCAT schools across the South coast. We are looking for a Chair who will lead and inspire our Board to deliver our strategic ambitions successfully. At a time of change in the Education Sector, you will help us both seize the opportunities ahead and manage the risks
- Closing date Friday 2nd May 2025
- First stage discussions w/c 12th and 19th May 2025
- Agreement of the shortlist w/c 26th May 2025
- Informal conversations with stakeholders Early June 2025
- Final interviews Early to mid-June (TBC)
click here for the full candidate pack
Governor vacancies at St Andrew's C.E. Primary School, Hove
We are currently looking for a Foundation or an Associate Governor. We need to recruit someone with professional Human Resources expertise to serve in either of these two roles on the Human Resources Committee (meets 3-4 times a year). We also want to recruit a Foundation Governor who could contribute this or other relevant experience to the Governing Board.
For further information contact Clerk to Governors, Tom Way clerk@st-andrews.brighton-hove.sch.uk or visit the school website
Please use the following links to search for vacancies in each area: