Diocese of Chichester Education

Devolved Capital Funding 

2024-25 Allocations of DFC at school level can be found HERE by selecting tab 2_Schools 

Please note that in January 2023 the DFE provided Additional Capital Funding to schools directly. Allocations can be found here HERE. Please note this funding must be spent by 31st March 2025.

The governing body of a VA school has a statutory liability to pay 10% on any capital works using SCA or DFC funding. For VA schools all allocations on the above DFE spreadsheets are shown in 90% terms.

School Condition Allocation

From April 2020 the School Condition Allocation (SCA) replaced the Locally Coordinated Voluntary Aided Programme (LCVAP) capital funding stream. In order to access this funding for its VA schools, the diocese has entered into new terms & conditions with the DfE.

The new terms highlight that the following areas must be considered by schools when considering projects and by the diocese when allocating funding and managing the school estate:

  1. Good estate management (Link to DfE’s Good Estate Management in Schools guidance https://www.gov.uk/guidance/good-estate-management-for-schools)
  2. Procurement, value for money and sound financial conduct
  3. Working with site trustees to ensure schools have the correct permissions to undertake works to the buildings

School Condition Allocation Funding Request

All VA schools should complete the SCA Bid and Premises Development Plan and submit to the diocese annually. If you are seeking SCA funding you will also need to complete the section regarding the maintenance projects which you would like to be considered for SCA funding in 2025/26. The deadline for the submission of bids is 5pm on 17th January 2025 to schoolbuildings@chichester.anglican.org.

If you have any queries please contact Heather Broadbent