
For all of our schools, proposed admission arrangements MUST be sent to the diocesan education office before going out to wider consultation, as well as in the full consultation round.
The governing body of a voluntary aided school and the board of directors in a Multi Academy Trust are the school's admission authority. This means they are responsible, within the terms of the Admissions Code, for drawing up the school's admission policy and criteria for admission, which includes any Supplementary Information Form (SIF).
The Local Authority administers the admissions process for main round admissions, i.e. admissions to schools in September. Each Local Authority has different arrangements for in year admissions; please consult your Local Authority for their current arrangements.
Chichester Diocese offers advice for our VA schools and academies on admissions and appeals. All enquiries to be addressed to: schools@chichester.anglican.org. Please see the links for our guidance, further information and current Codes.
School admissions and appeals update 2024/25
School Admissions Code September 2021
School Admissions Appeals Code October 2022
If you have any further queries, please contact our team using the following e-mail: schools@chichester.anglican.org