
The Diocese of Chichester
The Diocese of Chichester covers almost exactly the whole of the county of Sussex, relating in educational terms to three local authorities: West Sussex, East Sussex and Brighton and Hove. It covers approximately 1,459 square miles and has a population of 1,492,000; there are 391 parishes.
Church Schools in the Diocese
The Diocese of Chichester Board of Education (DBE) is charged under the 2021 DBE Measure to oversee the work of all Church of England state funded schools in the Diocese. Currently there are 155 Church of England schools in the diocese – 42 have voluntary aided status, 80 have voluntary controlled status, 33 are academies. In addition to this there are two further schools who have decided to affiliate to the diocese. We educate c.42,000 pupils.
Education Department
- support and training in RE and Collective Worship more information can be found on the Training Page of the Website:
- strategic and focused training for headteachers, senior staff and clergy;
- assistance in developing the Christian distinctiveness and character of the school;
- advising on the appointment of
head teachers and deputyhead s; - provide support for inspections under Section 48 of The Education Act 2005 (SIAMS);
- pre and post Ofsted training and support;
- advice in maintaining, developing and funding school buildings;
- governor appointment, training and support;
- advice in formulating and administering pupil admissions policies;
- Advice on structural changes including sharing headship and academies.
An annual conference and a quiet day are held for
To Know Love and Follow Jesus - The Diocesan Mission
The Diocese of Chichester has a mission strategy under the banner of “To know, love and follow Jesus” which aims to
- Grow in numbers and spiritual depth
- Re-imagine ministry
- Contribute to the common good
As an Education service we are looking to make our contribution to the missional intentions of the Diocese.